ABK Adviseurs   Administratie-Belastingadvies


ABK ADVISORS Tax&Accountancy 

Tax and accounting services for entrepeneurs and individuals

We offer a wide range of accounting and tax services for entrepeneurs and individuals. Our consultants have  experience in dealing with financial and tax matters of international companies and expats.


Please feel free to contact us for a consult without any obligations. 



Tax services for individuals

-Tax return immigration / emigration (M-biljet / M-form)


-Tax return foreign residents with income or a taxable source from the Netherlands (C-biljet /  C-form)

  • -Tax return individuals (P-biljet / P-form)
  • -Tax advice: for example mortgage interest deduction property and tax planning
  • -International tax advice: Dutch tax planning regarding  emigration and immigration, temporary stay abroad, avoiding double taxation
  • -Administrative support and VAT tax handling & advice
  • -Advice and application of the 30%-ruling
  • -Application of residency certificate

Tax and accounting services for entrepeneurs

  • -Financial statements 
  • -Administration support
  • -Payroll only structure in the Netherlands for foreign companies
  • -Bussiness  structurering and tax planning, setting up permanent establishment/branche office
  • -Tax planning foreign freelancers
  • -Quarterly VAT filing and advice
  • -Reduction of international tax and employment tax;
  • -Dividend advice: reduction dividend tax and minimizing dividend withholding tax


ABK Financieel & Fiscaal Advies B.V.